Luke's birthday
The Big 9 - He chose this year to go to Golden Corral. I mean, who doesn't want all you can eat desserts on their birthday? His birthday, I think was on a Wednesday this year, so we went to Golden Corral the night before cause kids are only $1.99, and then we had his cake on Wednesday, so he still got to blow out his candles!

Luke's games and Webkinz - his two favorite things!
Marshan's BirthdayEric took me out overnight to Indy to a fabulous place. It was all a complete surprise where we were going. When we pulled in, I wasn't too impressed. Then we stepped inside, and this is only one of the FABULOUS things that I saw IN OUR ROOM. He also took me out to dinner at St. Elmo's. Yum.
Kaleb's b-day - 6He chose to do Papa John's for his b-day dinner. That kid loves that place.

His Cake

Kaleb and his presents - Imaginext Toy Story stuff, some 90% off Halloween costumes, and a puzzle!
After his birthday, Kaleb had a small party.

His party cake

The guests at the party
Eric's B-day the big 40!!!

His mom sent this cake topper. It as supposed to light up, bloom, spin, and play music. The only thing it actually did was make a flame that was almost touching the ceiling and start melting the plastic! I started to freak out, and blew it out before he got a chance. Poor guy. After we blew it out it then started to bloom and do all the stuff I mentioned. Who knew it was a fire hazard? Crazy!

Can you guess what this it?

The kids and I made the banner for him!