Once again, I proved to the world that I'm a horrible mother. My son climbed up our neighbors tree (with their permission, of course). Then he got stuck. He climbed too high, and couldn't get down. He didn't stategize his exit route. The branch that he thought he could reach, he couldn't. And the his leg that he thought he could lift up over another branch....well, he couldn't lift it up. As you've probably figured by now, Luke got stuck up a tree. Now, had I been in my youth, I would have probably climbed up the tree too. Man, I loved climbing trees as a child. I was like a little monkey. But, alas, I'm not a monkey any longer (more like a buffoon).
Anyways, Luke got stuck. So, when Jakeb came to get me, I rolled my eyes and figured he couldn't be too stuck. But then I saw him. He was quite a ways up there. My very first thought when I saw him was, "I wonder if I could call the fire department. That would make for a great story and some fun pictures." (No lie, that was my first thought.) And then I started to laugh. I started to laugh at my son being stuck up the tree. Am I not the world's worse mother??? I found the whole situation so funny.
Since I decided not to call the fire department because it would cause to much attention to ourselves, I tried to coax him down like you would a cat hoping that maybe he could find a way down. Luke couldn't be budged. He was up there in that tree boo-hooing about being stuck there. I started wishing that a limb would somehow magically grow so that he could step down on it and climb down. But obviously that didn't happen either.
Finally I decided to call Eric. He would offer some piece of advice, right? "The ladder is in the garage, Marshan, but it's pretty heavy." So, off I go to get the ladder. I was half hoping he would just volunteer to come home. That would have been easier in my book.
So, after I pull down this big, awkward, heavy ladder down and start walking to my neighbors yard, my neighbor wearing his Jesus Patrol T-shirt comes out and says, "I'll get him down." Talk about being a hero! (But how I wish he would have came out about five minutes earlier before I pulled down that ladder and carried it over to their yard!) Shoot, the man was like a monkey. He climbed up there in about 3 seconds flat. When he reached Luke, I had a vision of him trying to pick him up and then both falling. I said to him, "He's heavier than he looks." Well, patrol guy looked at me, grabbed Luke, placed him on a lower branch, and said, "Well, I'm stronger than I look!"
Oh my word! I hadn't meant it that way. There has been many a persons that have gone to pick up Luke, and then came close to breaking their backs because they didn't realize what a big guy he is., and I seriously did not want my son to be lying on the ground with broken leg because some guy didn't realize that. After trying to explain that to the neighbor and thanking him profusely, Luke finished climbing down from the tree in one piece although he did say his tookus was slightly sore from sitting up there so long. Ha! Later I asked him if he wanted to go back outside to climb some trees. He looked at me, and said....."Yeah!" Guess the little booger hasn't learned his lesson yet! Of course neither did his momma when she was that age!