Giving flutter a bath

Pleasantly pleased with our purchase
Later I took pictures of Klaire and Makenna with Flutter.


Klaire thinking, "Help, get me out of here. This is not where I want to be!"
Makenna thinking, "Life is great. I got Klaire just where I want her."

Klaire thinking, "I don't want this stupid pacifier. I just want mom!"
Makenna thinking, "Klaire, take this. Come on, I know you want it!"

Klaire thinking, "Now I can deal with this. Nobody grabbing me, poking me, putting me in a headlock, smooshing me. This is the way life should be!"

Klaire thinking, "Awww man, is she back. Come one, Let me out of this headlock. You just wait till I get a little bigger. I'll get you back."
Makenna thinking, "I love you, Klaire! I love you bunches and bunches!"

Klaire thinking, "Okay, now this is getting old.:
Makenna thinking, "Man, mom must think we're really cute since she keeps snapping pictures."

Klaire thinking, "Awww come on, it's one thing to be in a headlock or to be smooshed too tightly, but get real! I can't see now"
Makenna thinking, "I love you Klaire. Let me give you kissy-kissy!
ah that is cute....