Zak Grayson Alma made his grand appearance on November 1, 2011 (11/1/11) at 2:02 p.m. He weighed in at 9 pounds 4 1/2 ounces (just like his big brother Blake), and was 22 inches long! He's been a blessing already to the family as I'm enjoying seeing the brothers and sisters dote on him and love on him. He's the sweetest thing!!! We just can't get enough of him.

We went in at 8:00, ahem...8:15 (we were a little late, ha!) to be in induced on that Tuesday morning, and by 9:00 was hooked up to the pictocin. They came in and broke my water about an hour later, and joy of all joys the contractions started.

The nurse checked me and I was only dilated to a 2 which is what I was dialated to for the past couple weeks. (I'm telling you he did not want to come out.) I eventually broke down and got my epidural which makes any labor and delivery so much more pleasant.
It was probably about 1:30 when she checked me again, and I had progressed to a 7. yay!! The nurse, Gayle, left to go call the doctor just to keep him updated. Literally minutes after she left to call the doctor I looked at Eric and asked him, "Should I tell the nurse that I have the incredible urge to push?" "Uhhh...yeah!" was his reply. Gayle came back in, checked me again, and bod-a-bang, bod-a-boo....it was time. She had to run and call the doctor again who was thinking it was gonna be another hour. He made it to the hospital in an 10 minutes. (Thankfully, his office right down the road.)