Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Makenna practicing her cutting
Klaire transferring q-tips got the tray at Goodwill along with about 6 other ones. It took me a while to figure out what to use it for, but I'm assuming I saw this idea somewhere and apparently it stuck.

Who would have thought Klaire would have loved this. She spent quite awhile shoving the pom poms down then holes at the top of the bucket.
Our new small dry erase board. I love it!
Makenna practicing writing her letters Klaire enjoying the pompoms again - transferring them with tweezers. I's the little things. She loved it. Who knew?
Playing with Wedgitsgetting bored with the Wedgits and making bracelets instead Big brother Jakeb getting in on some Wedgit time
Got this idea from Here
and even though ours didn't turn out as well, they were still fun to make. I think I just had some junky oil pastels. First day, you make a spiral web out of the glue, and then the second day after it completely dries you color it with the oil pastels. You're supposed to put spiders on it too, but that didn't work for us. I"m thinking of having the kids add some 3D spiders to it instead. That would be fun.
Here's Blake showing how much fun he's having doing the craft. (He sure does love them. Can't you tell?)

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