Immediately following that encounter, I had a lady come up to me and say, "Are these all yours? or do you watch some kids?" I said, "Yup, they're all mine." She looked at me and asked, Do you know what you are......BLESSED!" I totally agreed with her. I liked her. Such a nice lady!

It's true. I am blessed. God has entrusted me with 6 healthy kids, and a lot of times I take that for granted. The other day I read a church sign and it said, "Each day is a gift. Unwrap it slowly." There was something about those words that made me pause and think. I don't think of each day as a gift from God. Sometimes I wake up grumpy thinking of what I have to do that day. Or some days I wake ups to kids screaming and yelling at each other. (And believe me, that's NOT cool.) But regardless of how I wake up, I need to realize that God has given me another gift...the gift of living another day. I need to do my best to live for Him. Sometimes I catch myself dwelling on the negative. Everyone knows that I DO NOT like

So, I guess if being compared to a duck reminds me of all this, people can tell me that all the time!
Thank you for that reminder- sometimes it is hard when you have so many kids to remember they are a blessing- and by the way I hate homeschooling too- but you have to do what you have to do- no way am I throwing my kids into the public school system~