Dad, I think we're doing this wrong. We need to put this here.
No, Blake, that can't be right. That wouldn't make sense.
But Dad, that's what the instructions say.
No Blake, it's not the right way.
But Dad...I'll bet you a hundred dollars that that we need to build another one.
Blake, Fine, Whatever. If I hear another word about it, you're gonna get in trouble. It's not the right way.
Okay, Dad.
I also did not hear this conversation about 10 minutes later.
Blake, how in the world could you have known that?
What?? I'm right? I'm right? I get a HUNDRED bucks!! Yeah!!!!!!

I do not have this lingering thing for chewing ice. I have not been chewing ice since about 3 months before Klaire was born. And because of this new thing, I did not dislocate two fillings causing me to have to go to the dreaded dentist where he gave me a shot of Novocaine, drilled and sanded my poor little teeth. He also did not actually say the words, "I need one a little more coarse," while referring to a sanding tool. That would of course not freak me out at all because everyone LOVES to hear that someone is sanding down their teeth, their front teeth at that.
I also did not proceed to break my glasses while I was at the dentist. What's really funny is that I have been to the eye doctor every year of course. I would never go almost 5 years without going to the eye doctor. I love going to the eye doctor almost as much as I love going to the dentist. My poor little glasses were not held together with superglue for the past 5 months, and like I said, they did not finally come apart at the dentist. I did not call my babysitter and ask her to stay a little longer with the girls. I also did not take FOUR boys with me to the eye doctor to get a exam and 2 new pairs of glasses. (They truly had a great deal going on.)
I also did not go get my hair cut this week resulting in a haircut that a tad bit on the short side for me. Oh well..... (oh, yeah, and in the above pictures...my hair is not sticking straight up!)
Oh, and this is not two 1/2 weeks, possibly even three weeks worth of Not me's put together in one post because I'm always on top of my blogging!