Makenna has this little baby doll. She's been treating like a real baby lately. It's so stinkin' cute. It all began when she got a pair of pajamas that came with a pair of PJs for a baby doll. She thought that was the coolest thing. This morning she decided that her baby needed to go potty. Makenna went in to the bathroom, put her potty seat on the toilet, sat her baby on the potty seat, and then sat herself on the edge of the bathtub to read her baby doll a potty story.

Later on today she put her baby doll in the swing.

She also put my Grandma's teddy bear in Klaire's carrier, and then she was very upset when I put Klaire back into it because she wanted to keep her teddy in it.

Anyone want to guess what she's doing in these last pictures?

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