okay, a little recap of yesterday's pictures. Since it was "wordless Wednesday" I couldn't say much. So today I'll tell you more about Magic Kingdom. It was warm, but not overly crowded there. I don't think we waited more than 20 minutes for any ride, and if you've ever been there before, you know that's good. The kids loved the Pirate ride, Splash mountain, and Thunder Mountain. Of course by the end of the day, we had 5 exhausted kids. Klaire was quite content most of the time in a sling that I wore. We stayed for the electrical parade even though we had three kids complaining about being sick. Two kids throwing up later, we realized that we should have left before the parade was over because then we got stuck in "people traffic" since everyone decided to leave at exactly the same time. AHHH!!!!
Up until the puke and exhaustion, we had a great time.
Onward to day four. Day four was basically a day that we had to recuperate from Magic Kingdom. We woke up late, and just chilled until the afternoon where we went to Titanic the Experience. Afterwards, we had lunch at Friendly's where everyone enjoyed ice cream of their choice. Swim time came next for the boys while the girls took naps in the room.

This deck chair was found in the water after the Titanic went down.

the cargo hold

Here's a few swim pictures:

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