Here's a continuation of our homeschool week which, of course, didn't go like I was hoping. They never do, do they? I missed a day of teaching because of three doctor's appointments, I had three days of sick kids (one on each day), and emergency doctor visit including an xray, and I don't think we opened our history books or reading books all week. And of course, we're packing up getting ready for Florida. Oh, and did I mention that I had to have two stress tests on the baby too because of the gestational diabetes? But somehow, God got us through it all, and man, am I looking forward to vacation.

pattern cards for Makenna - another free printable

Jakeb and Klaire enjoying the felt fish that I made. Yes, it even involved some stitching. Gasp!!! I'll talk more about them later.

This was a
fun project - Glue art - I got the idea from a blog, but I plan on posting more about that later.

Day 2 of the Glue art project - Painting with watercolors

Kaleb building

Klaire's little lapbook from

Play dough mats from

Shadow matching from one of the printable packs I downloaded.
Magnet Worksheets - Some people do these on cookie sheets, but frankly I didn't feel like going up stairs and getting them, so the girls did them on the board. It hink they might have like it more this way anyways.

Luke and Klaire making a home for a worm that Luke found. Too bad I refused to let them keep it.

a few outside races because it was so nice out
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